Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Question #1

Have you ever seriously thought about trying to bend you sexual orientation? Why? and what for? And if not, can you think of hypothetical situation where you would?

Jason: Just to get the obligatory Camp answer out of the way: "What, you mean sleep with a straight guy?" Whew. Now that that's out of my system, on to business. I would say that every waking hour of my life from age 16.3 through 19.2 was devoted to finding a way around my orientation. One does not live in the religious south with my family and does not try to fit in. But it was tiring and fruitless (heh) and just confirmed that it was not going to work out. Since then...not really. In the hypothetical world if I found some girl who I was attracted to, or was at least compelled by, then yeah I would totally go for it, why deal with all the added crap? But history is not on my side in this matter. Also hypothetically, if someone offered me enough money, I would go ahead and give it the old college try one more time. Because when it comes down to it, I am that much of a whore.

Frank: Yeah, I had the usual "Maybe if I meet the right girl" thing back in high school. But I didn't really know I was bending anything. I was just too stupid. But lately, a few people have been implanting this concept in my head and it's not just the family or whatever. It's people that are my friends and have known me for a few years. Some have seen my very gay side and know about my conquests (Wow, that sounds whorish). It doesn't really bother me, but it makes me think alot. Can I have another go with the ol' hetero life? Can I just get back on that decaying horse and ride? It just seems way for easy (now more that ever) just to do it. I have this new found confidence. I'm not like I used to be in high school. I'm the total opposite. I can talk and joke around with anyone I please. And I'm getting the old "you're gay?...really?" too many times. I remember back when I couldn't even eat food straight. I don't know...maybe it's more of a social thing, rather than an actual wanting like real straight people do. I'm growing tired of the stereotypical gay lifestyle. It's way too high maintainence for me. Or maybe I need some action. Probably the ladder.

Friday, October 29, 2004

frank testing


I still heeeerrre!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Testing the Gay


Judy Garland.
